Notice of Annual General Assembly
North Slave Métis Alliance
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the North Slave Métis Alliance will be held on the day, time and location as outlined below:
Saturday, April 06, 2024
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
32 Melville Dr-Main Assembly Hall Area
Yellowknife, NT
President’s Report
Other Reports
Audited Financial Statements
Constitution and By-Law Changes
All members not located in Yellowknife and wishing to attend, may attend the Annual General Meeting by Virtual Means and the particulars are noted below: With access now being available by Virtual Means, NSMA is no longer funding travel to and from the AGM as in prior years.
All members wishing to attend by virtual means are to reach out at the NSMA email address below and provide their identification so that contact information for the virtual access may be provided.
A number of breakfast snacks and drinks, will be available for attendees.
The members whose names appear on the list of members eligible to vote, will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Assembly. The AGA will be open to NSMA members of 19 years, voting age.
This notice has already appeared in the NSMA website and is also published in the newspapers.
North Slave Métis Alliance 32-Melville Drive
P.O. Box 2301 Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2P7
Phone: (867) 873-6762 and Fax: (867) 669-7442