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Membership Available Services

Below is a list of some of the services we provide to our members. If there is something you are looking for that is not listed below, let us know! 


Gear & Equipment

We have a wide assortment of gear available for members to use for free! All you need to do is sign the gear out and return it in the same condition.


Paid Opportunities

Honoraria is provided for activities such as: fieldwork day and multi-day trips; representing NSMA at consultation and engagement meetings; contract bid opportunities with governments and businesses; review and comment on important documents; involvement in internal and external committees; and more. 



We want to support our members in building or enhancing their personal and professional development. If there is a course that can help you grow in your career, please reach out to us


General Support Programs

  • CHAP (community harvest assistance program) – funding for harvesters

  • Wild meat (we distribute meat from our harvesters to our members)

  • Scholarships and educational support funding

  • Gear for on-the-land activities free for members' usage


On the Land Incentive

If you go hunting, fishing, berry picking, or travelling on the land, we want to know what you see! Fill out the form and email once completed.


Community Garden

To offset the ever-increasing high cost of groceries in Yellowknife and to provide high-quality healthy food, NSMA is building a community garden in 2023 at 32 Melville Drive where the harvest of fresh fruit and vegetables will go directly to its local members. This will also provide an opportunity for members to become a stronger community by increasing healthy connections with each other.

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