Department of
Lands & Culture
This Department was created in 2024 with a goal of building strong community relationships and providing services directly to our community members. The importance of this distinct department was made clear by our Community Advisory Committee (CAC), which was developed in 2021. The CAC is comprised of NSMA community members, each holding unique skills, experiences, and knowledge, and they are the backbone of our new Department.
Meet our growing team

One of the most important ways to connect to our community is through kinship records that link the applicant to the period prior to December 31st, 1921. Before an applicant may receive NSMA membership, a member of our team will review preliminary genealogical research. The submitted information as well as any research results are then reviewed and once verified, are recommended for the applicant’s acceptance into NSMA. Each NSMA member has a Genealogy file held in our internal reference library. A member can receive a copy of their pedigree report upon request. Membership application forms may be picked up at our office.

The North Slave Métis have been present in the Northeastern Great Slave Lake region since the 18th century. Our community of Métis was a key participant in forming the current Northern way of life's economic, political, and cultural foundation. To preserve our ancestors' names, memories, and culture, NSMA is committed to recording our historical presence across our traditional territory. Read more about our history here.

Traditional Knowledge
In recent years, our team has dedicated efforts to recording and preserving our community members’ local and traditional knowledge within an internal archive. This database is critical for knowledge transmission to future generations and supports our community in making well-informed decisions. We encourage all community members to set up an appointment to ensure, entire their knowledge, history, and stories on their traditional lands are recorded within this archive.

Mapping Services
Maps are a powerful tool that can showcase relationships to the land and changes over time. Our internal Geographic Information System database houses critical information that supports the preservation of our traditional way of life. In addition, this database supports our staff in making well-informed decisions.

Community Engagement
Members of the North Slave Métis gather throughout the year to celebrate our culture and ancestors through community-led events, such as National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21st. Throughout the year, we hold smaller engagement sessions with our community members and external representatives, such as our monthly Speaker Series Sessions. Our community engagement activities intend on bringing people together to share common concerns and identify pathways forward together.

Staff within the Department of Lands & Culture are responsible leading our internal and external community engagement strategies, such as maintaining our website, completing monthly newsletters and facilitating regular community outreach meetings and events.